Κυριακή 5 Μαΐου 2019

The Dictatorship of "Globalization" captured Julian Assange

Athens, 3/5/19
New Order masks are constantly falling. The persecution and arrest of the activist, founder and editor of WikiLeaks, Julian Assange, causes us indignation and anger as it constitutes a flagrant violation of human rights and freedom of the press.
 The Wikileaks website founded in 2006 released thousands of documents relating to political issues, economic, military, social, etc., and also made important revelations including the environmental case «Trafigura» (European oil company that polluted with chemical waste on sea ​​area of ​​Ivory Coast), the killing of civilians by US troops in Iraq, the unacceptable conditions and torture of prisoners in US prisons of Guantanamo, details of the notorious "Pacific Agreement» (TPP) etc.
 As you understand, Assange and his team with the disclosure of secret documents have created problems for the various international corporations and governments, especially the US. His actions, however, are a journalistic feat and function, since he exposed the secret diplomacy and the plans of the puppet governments that act unknowingly to the citizens. He actually exposed the "New World Order" mafia itself, which is a host and harmful parasite acting from the background as an unscrupulous and secret government at the expense of the will, peace and prosperity of the peoples. In our opinion, his arrest is the beginning of many upcoming persecutions against journalists, bloggers and simple users in social media that write articles create videos or express opinions against the global junta.
 Julian Assange, although he himself may adopt another political ideology - which is not entirely clear to us today - nevertheless acknowledges that he has contributed decisively to the understanding of the international community and global civil society that no country in West have a real Democracy polity, but instead a minority of oligarchic plutocrats who disregard and decide the fates of peoples and nations.
 We, as the R-D movement, remaining faithful to our principles in claiming a real democracy at national and international level, we are associated with the global community that defends freedom of speech - which is one of the basic principles of democracy - and with all the citizens opposed to the globalization oligarchy, also known as the "New World Order" or Capitalism.
 We condemn the persecution and arrest of Julian Assange and we disagree verbally with his tradition in the United States where he is directly at risk of unfair trial but perhaps even by a possible execution by the deep state ...
...we call the international community in a joint struggle for the release of Julian Assange.
The arrest of Julian Assange and his associates is the trigger that will revolutionize all humanitarian and democratic forces world-wide and will bring together the "Citizens of Democracy" in an endless struggle against the obscure New Order and the fascist, oligarchic and fake-democratic puppets-governments.
<True Democracy>
Greek Citizens Movement

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