Athens, 24/12/2017
It is clearly, at least for the majority, that we live throughout Europe and especially in our country, bad seasons ablation of national independence, occupation and economic crisis, but we will leave aside for a while - because of this Holly days – the negative thoughts and let’s turn our mind to God, which will be flooded us with many positive and optimistic thoughts.
It is clearly, at least for the majority, that we live throughout Europe and especially in our country, bad seasons ablation of national independence, occupation and economic crisis, but we will leave aside for a while - because of this Holly days – the negative thoughts and let’s turn our mind to God, which will be flooded us with many positive and optimistic thoughts.
Because even
if we know our enemies malicious plans and the great difficulties and risks
expected the New Year, we must not lose sight that this is not something that
happens for the first time in the history of mankind. Rather it is the norm,
although we seek exemption through the few bright sparks flashed lightning,
temporary and transient...
One of these
few glimpses that maintained their eternal light, is the birth of Jesus Christ,
stood for millennia as the most powerful luster and unquenchable flame in the
hearts of people.
For while
Christ came to Earth with great humility offering generously Love and Healing,
was alongside the <Incarnation of the Word>, the <Son
of God>.
- What could
be more magnificent and hopeful for the timeless oppressed
people from the dark forces, except of the Divine intervention? What could give
more courage beyond the appearance of God himself?
Finally, the expected and normal - c k Divine Strength - Resurrection, it was, and still is a God's gift to the people who believed in him and believing him.
- The Human deification and eternal life is realized through union with God.
Could not
the Creator of the Universe and everything to avoid these hardships and
sufferings and present with luxury and irresistible power, presence and
persuasion? Of course he could, but then he might not be the familiar to us
Merciful Creator, because this would probably cancel the concession to us of the free will just
because the people will subjected by AWE and will be very
impressed of the Supreme Power and Presence of Him. It will be
that action very emphatic in order to deny his Divinity.
Of course we do not know, except only few, of the Will and the Great Plan of God, but according to our studies and our humble crisis our God wishes mainly that we receive intellectually His superior messages.
- We believe that he wishes we seek Him first from the inside and since then we might recognize Him also with our exterior senses.
- First from our heart we must seek God!
Unfortunately however big part of humanity today seeks self-existent deification mainly through the technological-scientific achievements
and materials, while when they seeks God, they seek through the visible world, the known senses and the short-sighted human logic. This however is not the road that leads to the God, but to the dissenter and tribal of Him…
We believe
that we are leaving in a historic period of a new change for the human culture
and civilization. The challenges are great as some human haters seeking to lead
us in to a 'New Age' of darkness with a totalitarian and centralized system and
in which people where be voluntarily inscribed system slaves (Spiritually,
Mentally, Educational, Biological), perhaps in return some technology "
mirrors " and a false sense of security from external artificial
terrorism, hardship and hunger...
- But as our great philosopher ancestor, Aristotle informs us,
<< Man who sacrifices freedom for security of supply it is worthy neither liberty neither safety... >>
The other way we propose for the promotion and advancement of mankind is via spirituality, classic greek culture, philosophy, justice, ethic, true Democracy...
- But does
the people are ready for a transition to a better future? Are we all worthy
of a better world?
We will keep whatever our reservations or doubts and we will continue with optimism our just struggle. At the end, only God knows the final results!
The nationwide political / social <TRUE DEMOCRACY> team
wishes to all Greeks and all of humanity to have a Merry Christmas, Happy New
Year and happy holidays!
TDM (True Democracy Movement)
[ Note: The Greek TDM is one basic part of the Global True Democracy Movement of Citizens.
- At true Democracy the Citizens are the mainstay of the State! ]
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